Cracker Barrel doesn't ask a person's sexual orientation when giving interviews for jobs.
No, the management of Cracker Barrel generally opposes equality for LGBT people.
i dont know maybe cause your gay
a poor cracker who cant fight and is toally gay for real!!!!!! is so poor that leaves in a trash can
Every company in Texas should hire gay women, since the sexual orientation of an individual should not have any effect over whether they should or should not be hired.
You can meet gay people but you can't "get" gay people.
Yes, gay people are actually gay.
Yes, very gay they are so gay that they eat gay people haters
well, gay people are still around so your question should be- what ARE gay people, and gay people are people who like people of the same gender.
Gay people have their own interests and should not force them on others.
In the U.S., they could refuse to hire you. But in the U.K. they could not. Check with a lawyer where you live to find out the applicable laws. same as Australia. they can refuse to hire anyone who isn't catholic
Gay people only follow other gay people.
Yes, all gay people are gay. It's not something people pretend to be.