burning calories is a continuous domain, as the number of calories burned increase in relation to the amount of activity being done
No, Digesting calories is taking in calories, Burning calories is working off calories.
There is a slight difference between burning a fat calorie and an "other" calories (typically muscle). Burning both types of calories is important in a successful weight loss regime.
you are burning around 600 too 800 calories.
You aren't losing calories. Instead, you are burning them off. If you are burning that many calories through exercise, though, it is healthier to up your calories intake by 100 or 200 calories, though.
It depends. If you've had a lot to eat, more than usual, or you're overweight, then burning calories is a fine option.
Yes, as long as you don't wear yourself out while burning them.
Running is very good for burning the calories. It is very good to prevent the complications related to your heart. It keep you overall fit.
Calories are a unit of heat [energy ] to our bodies. Putting food in our bodies is like putting wood [ fuel ] in the fire place.
Good for you
Not really, no.