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It depends. If you've had a lot to eat, more than usual, or you're overweight, then burning calories is a fine option.

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Q: Is burning calories good for health?
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Is running good for burning calories?

Running is very good for burning the calories. It is very good to prevent the complications related to your heart. It keep you overall fit.

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Is walking a good way to lose weight?

That really depends on a persons body. there are many factors that come into play when it comes to burning calories. Size weight, and overall health can make quite a differance in burning calories wether walking or running.

Burning 1000 calories per week is?

Good for you

Is burning calories good?

Yes, as long as you don't wear yourself out while burning them.

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Is burning calories the same as digesting the calories?

No, Digesting calories is taking in calories, Burning calories is working off calories.

Does musterbation affect health?

only in a good way. it's good for like... your heart rate, and burning calories, and something with your sex organs... keepin' 'em fresh. yo honestly, just google it.

Is losing 350 calories a day good for a 13-year-old?

It depends on the individual. In general, though, that is a good number of burning calories.

What is caloric deficit?

burning more calories than you eat (a good thing!)

Why should you know how many calories you burn during exercise?

There really is no way of knowing for sure. Anything or anyone who tells you how many calories you are burning is estimating.

What is a moderate activity like walking good for burning calories?

Er.... Walking, cycling, swimming