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There's no such thing as zero calorie foods.

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Q: Do zero calorie food have calories when you eat more then one serving?
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How many calories in low calorie food per serving?

It varies from food to food, even when low calorie. Please feel free to ask the question again and be more specific.

How many calories does one serving of food contain?

It depends on the food. Foods vary in calorie content. Please feel free to ask the question again be more specific.

If an elliptical machine said you burned 150 Kcal how many food calories is this?

150 Calories. a Kcal is equal to a Calorie. The capitalization of the "C" in calorie indicates that it is referring to a FOOD Calorie. typically a FOOD calorie is made up of 1000 "small c" calories. so you burned off 150. The calorie is a measure of heat but we know it as a measure of energy really. you say your tired so you need more calories when really the calories are just because of the stored "heat".CASA GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL

A Food must supply 20 percent or more of the daily value of a particular nutrient per serving Calorie free?

A. Food must supply 20 percent or more of the daily value of a particular nutrient per serving. Calorie free B. Fewer than 5 calories per container Light C. Food must have one-third fewer calories or less than half the fat or sodium of the regular version. High D. Contain 20 milligrams of cholesterol or less Low cholesterol

What is the relationship between size and calories?

Almost always, the larger a food or serving is, the more calories it is going to have.

What is the difference between a Calorie on a food label and a calorie in science?

Both Calorie and calorie are measurements of energy. 1 Calorie = 1000 calories Upper-case Calorie is used in nutritional terms and is sometimes also referred to as a kilocalorie to avoid confusing it with the lower-case calorie. Please see the related link for more details The Calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is 1000 calories - a more useful unit and widely used.

How many calories are in a fat?

It is a calorie from fat. Calories come from one of three sources: proteins, carbohydrates or fat. So a fat calorie would be a calorie coming from fat, not protein or carbohydrates. It's not really special in terms of what effect it has on the body, but it should be noted that fats are more calorically dense than protein or carbohydrates. One gram of fat has 9 calories, while carbohydrates and protein only have 4 calories per gram.

What is a negative calorie?

A "negative calorie" refers to a food that takes more energy to digest than calories it yields. A common example is celery. Negative calorie foods can be an important part of a weight loss diet since they fill you up without too many calories.

The label on the box of breakfast cereal lists one serving as containing 200 calories per serving How many calories are actually in one serving?

200 calories. If you eat more than one serving then you have to add more calories. But if they say a one cup serving is 200 calories and you have a cup and a half, then it is 300 calories.

Does mealtime size influence your calorie intake?

Well, yes. Any food you ingest has a certain amount of energy. That energy is measured in calories. If you are eating more food per meal then you will essentially be taking in more calories per meal. That will increase your calorie intake. For example, If you eat three meals a day, which was 400 calories per meal, you would have 1200 calories a day. If you increased it to 500 calories per meal, you would have 1500 calories a day. That is increasing your daily average.

Do apples have negative calories?

Nothing has negative calories (as far as I know). One average apple has about 81 calories. ------- No, an apple, along with all other foods, contain calories. The concept of a "negative calorie" food comes from foods that require more energy to digest than the calories the food provides. One common food that is claimed to have "negative calories" is celery. This is because celery has very few calories, about 8 per stalk, and requires effort to digest. Celery is mostly water, with a cellulose structure. Cellulose cannot be digested by the human body, and is therefore passed through without being digested. An apple on the other hand has lots of sugars that can be processed by the body. I have no doubt that there are more calories in an apple than the body expends to digest said apple. This does not mean that an apple is bad however. Just not a "negative calorie" food!

How many nutritional calories are in 4.18 joules?

4.1868 joules (rounded) amount to one calorie, but here we really have to be careful.That's actually the one called the "small calorie". The food Calorie is capitalized, comprisedof 1,000 small calories, and more properly referred to as the "kilocalorie".The nutritional Calorie is an amount of energy equal to 4186.8 joules.4.1868 joules = 0.001 nutrition Calorie