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Well, yes.

Any food you ingest has a certain amount of energy. That energy is measured in calories. If you are eating more food per meal then you will essentially be taking in more calories per meal. That will increase your calorie intake.

For example, If you eat three meals a day, which was 400 calories per meal, you would have 1200 calories a day. If you increased it to 500 calories per meal, you would have 1500 calories a day. That is increasing your daily average.

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You could get a 100 calorie diet, without paying a cent. All you have to do is monitor your calorie intake. You will find that on the back of food products they list how many calories are in each serving size. If you monitor how many calories you in take on your diet.

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work out and maintain a healthy diet with a low calorie intake. check and track the food you eat to reach weight goals (its free, btw)

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It doesn't necessarily depend on just weight, but also gender, height, age, frame size, and activity level. For a fairly accurate calorie intake, try a calorie calculator (there's tons of them online) or, even better, you could ask a doctor.

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this is tourture