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Yes you always need a checkup after to make sure the uterus is empty. Otherwise you can get serious infections.

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Q: Do you need an ultrasound after a miscarriage?
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Can the ultrasound be wrong your doctor told you there was no heartbeat and you've miscarriage but i'm not bleeding?

No the ultrasound is usually right, it's called a miss miscarriage I think.

What are the symptoms of a miscarriage during the first month of a pregnancy?

bleeding, sometimes pain and cramping. All bleeding cannot be considered an immediate miscarriage. An ultrasound and fetal hearttones need to confirm.

If im pregnant and have severe cramping and bleeding and took a test again and came out positive can that still be a miscarriage?

The test will show positive for a few weeks after a miscarriage until the hormones have settled. You need to get a ultrasound to be sure.

Can an ultrasound show if you had a miscarriage?

An ultrasound scan will show if you have had a miscarriage. Sometimes you may bleed from near the placenta (afterbirth) but you don't miscarry and it will show this too. Sometimes you bleed and lose the baby but not all the placenta comes away which can be dangerous, causing bleeding and/or infection. the ultrasound scan can show all these things.

Is it possible to still be pregnant after a miscarriage?

My wife had a miscarriage at 13 weeks on Friday and went for an ultrasound Tuesday and turns out there was twins and 1 was still alive So yes

Can an ultrasound at 7 weeks pregnant cause you to cramp and bleed?

It could be a miscarriage, although bleeding shouldn't be of concern if the fetus is properly developing. I suggest you go see your ob-gyn for another ultrasound in order to find out if the bleeding is serious. Ultrasounds don't cause blood or cramps. Take care, T. Hawk

Did you have a miscarriage if you had severe pains for several hours and when you went to the bathroom a big clot came out and then the pain stopped?

It is quite possible you had a miscarriage. Did you know you were pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound scan before or since?

Why do you you get an infection after you have a miscarriage?

This usually occurs if your body has not expelled the foetus completely. A ultrasound scan will determine whether or not this is the case.

Can ultrasound detect previous miscarriage after 4 years because your miscarriage done after 4 month's of pregnancy means this miscarriage done by delivery So now after 4 years can this detect?

Normally all miscarriages come out the vaginal way but there is no way to detect a miscarriage afterwards. Everything is gone.

If your OB does not find anything on the ultrasound could that be because you had a miscarriage?

If your OB didn't find anything then that means that you either had a miscarriage or there wasn't anything there from the start. if nothing at all was there then probably no miscarriage unless you had a chemical pregnancy. I had a miscarriage and the ultrasound showed small empty sack, but no baby. It is interesting to note that two or three weeks later i had another ultrasound because of unexplained bleeding and i very much pregnant, everything that should be there was there. A lot of times when ultrasound shows just a sac a number of things can be the cause.It could be you're not as far gone as you thot or you're overweight with fat deposits around your mid or you have a tilted uterus. This is why a lot of OBs these days ask you to come back after a couple of days just to be sure. Check the website Misdiagnosed Miscarriage on the left; stories abound.

What are the chances of pregnancy after a miscarriage?

Im living proof! I had a miscarriage on march25th and found out I was pregnant on april19th.. I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant confirmed by ultrasound today:) 5/2/2011

Is ultrasound 100 percent sure?

Ultrasound is a widely used diagnostic tool that provides valuable images of the inside of the body, helping doctors identify and assess various conditions. While it is a reliable and non-invasive method, it is not always 100 percent accurate. The effectiveness of an ultrasound largely depends on factors such as the skill of the technician, the quality of the equipment, and the patient's body type. For example, in cases where there is excess body fat or gas in the intestines, the image quality may be reduced. Additionally, certain conditions, like early-stage cancers or very small abnormalities, might be harder to detect with ultrasound alone. While ultrasound is effective in diagnosing many conditions, it is often used in conjunction with other imaging methods or tests for a more complete diagnosis. For those seeking ultrasound services in Patiala, it is important to choose reputable centers for more accurate results. Rapid Laboratory Address: Bhadson Rd, Prem Nagar, Patiala, Punjab 147001 Phone No: 09504901234