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This usually occurs if your body has not expelled the foetus completely. A ultrasound scan will determine whether or not this is the case.

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Q: Why do you you get an infection after you have a miscarriage?
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What causes an infection after miscarriage?

If there are remains it can cause an infection, along with other problems that may not be coming from the miscarriage. Best seek advice from your doctor.

If you think you had a miscarriage and didn't see a doctor will infection happen?

You can suffer from a infection .

What if you have a miscarriage?

You should go see a doctor; if the miscarriage is incomplete or there are complications, you have infection & other medical issues to worry about.

Ive just had a miscarriage and have been put on doxycycline in cause of on infection can you still full pregnant?

Is doxycycline given to you when you have a miscarriage

Can you have a miscarriage while having chlamydia?

Miscarriage is a common problem in pregnancy. Chlamydia does not appear to increase the risk of miscarriage. However, it could happen with or without chlamydia infection.

Is having smelly discharge normal after miscarriage?

You may have an infection. see a doctor.

What are the infections you will have after miscarriage?

You can have infection set in the remaining portion of the product of abortion. This is sort of the problematic infection. It is called as septic abortion.

Do doctors have surgery on you when you have a miscarriage?

Sometimes when the miscarriage isn't complete they will do a D&C to remove any tissue remaining and prevent / stop heavy bleeding or infection.

Can you have a miscarriage with out cramps chills fever or low back pain Just pass blood and tissue?

Yes you can. Chills and fever are signs of infection and it is quite possible to have a miscarriage without infection. A very early miscarriage may also be painless, though a later one witll probably give you cramps and/or lower back pain.

Can a kidney infection cause a miscarriage?

I went to A&E with a bad kidney infection, were they told me i was about 7 weeks pregnant, which I had no idea about! about 3 weeks later I had a miscarriage, I saw my kidney doctor yesterday and he said that there is a chance it could have caused it but assured me the antibiotics I was on were safe, he said the more likely answer is I had a raised temperature so this could have factored in the miscarriage.

Would a miscarriage could you get a infection that smells like death?

hahahah no you stink... take a bath

Had a miscarriage and the symptoms went away but weeks later im having bad abdominal pains with no bleeding and im NOT pregnant?

You could have had an incomplete miscarriage or have an infection. Contact your Dr immediately.