My wife had a miscarriage at 13 weeks on Friday and went for an ultrasound Tuesday and turns out there was twins and 1 was still alive
So yes
She may have had a miscarriage
The chance to still be pregnant after a D&C is very slim but you can however be pregnant again.
Yes it is.
In my experience with my fifth miscarriage I still looked pregnant. I guess other's experiences maybe different.
If you really had a miscarriage, you can't still be pregnant, but you could be pregnant again before you get your next period.
Yes, it's the hormones that haven't settled yet. They are still set on pregnant.
you usually wont have a miscarriage after your first trimester (third month) after that you would just have a still born baby.
Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.
it is possible to have a period while pregnant, but i would say get a pregnancy test done if you are unsure.
You could have had a miscarriage, but even though you've suffered heavy bleeding with clots you could still be pregnant. It IS possible to be pregnant and still get your monthly period.Either way, if you haven't done already, you MUST get yourself checked by a doctor - 1) to find out if you are still pregnant, and 2) to check you are OK internally. If you have suffered a miscarriage you have to get checked out by a doctor in case everything hasn't come out yet. Sorry to be so graphic.Good luck