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Yes it is normal for BCP to make your period lighter.

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Q: Do you have very light period on your first day?
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I didn't use protection on the first day of my period and my flow is always very light. Can you still get pregnant on day 1 of your period even if your flow is usually very light anyway?

No you can not get pregnant from having sexual intercourse during a normal period.

What does it mean when you have a one day period that is very light while you are on the pill?

what does it meam when you have a one day period that is very light while on the mini pill

1 day late and the next day have light spotting?

If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.

Which day is the first day of menstruation when there is light bleeding for a day then nothing for two days then the full bleeding starts?

The day you first start the light bleeding. Because you don't bleed for 2 days after the light bleeding, then don't count these days as your period. But its still day 1 of your period.

If you were told to take your very first pill on the first day of your period will it affect that period at all?

No, this will be normal period.

Could you have your first few periods for one day?

Yes, that's pretty typical. When you first get your period, it's usually very light and only lasts for a short period of time. If you only get a period for one day that is called spotting, and isn't really considered an actual period which lasts typically 5-7 days. Hope that helps :)

Can you get pregnant the day before you expect your period?

yes you can get pregnant anytime after you have already had your very first period.

If you had intercourse the day before you came on your period very light for 2 days could you be pregnant?


Can you become pregnant if he came in you on the last day of your period?

Answer You could be, as the last day of your periode you should be very very light or just spotting if that. I'd take a pregnancy test if I were you.

What if your period was light and lasted 7 days do you still count from the first day?

Yes, you still count

Is the week of pregnancy considered from last period day?

Estimated due dates and pregnancy time lines are calculated from the very first day of your last menstrual period.

Do you start your 28 day count from the first day of a period?

You start counting on the first day of your period.