well if your the kind of person to crave food during your period then yes
Weight gain is irrelevant during the first trimester. If you had intercourse and missed a period pregnancy is possible.
no. but when you're on your period, most women crave chocolate and sweet things. so avoid the sweet things, then you wont gain weight on your period.
Yes it is possible to gain weight in one day. A person can anywhere from 1lb to 10lbs during a 24 hour period.
i never knew you gained weight before your period......
no, just as long as you dont over eat during this period of time.
During a menstrual cycle, a woman's weight can fluctuate due to hormonal changes, water retention, and bloating commonly experienced during this time. This temporary weight gain is typically attributed to water retention and not actual body fat gain.
absolutely. your body holds water weight when you're on your period and you can gain up to five pounds.
It all depends on the person and the water weight they retain. But normally you shouldn't gain much weight if any at all.
Some women do gain weight while on contraceptive pills, and some do not. Skipping your period, or not taking the in-active green sugar pills, will not make you gain weight, it will just skip your period.
You are not guarenteed to lose weight on your perio regardless of what you currently weight. If anything, girls tend to gain weight as they bloat or retain some water weight during their periods.
Women do tend to gain a little weight in the days leading up to, and during, their menstrual cycle. During a woman's period, she will experience water retention (due to a drop in the level of progesterone, bloating caused by a build up of gas or constipation and overeating caused by food cravings.