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It all depends on the person and the water weight they retain. But normally you shouldn't gain much weight if any at all.

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Q: How much weight do you gain before your period?
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How much weight do you gain with getting your period?


What is the fastest way to lose weight and gain muscle before a ceertain time period?

Eat healthy(avoid fat and sugar) and work out/exercise as much as possible

How much weight do you gain on your period?

Normally only maybe 3 pounds. This weight is actually just retained water. It is not fat weight. It will go away as your hormones change after your period.

How do you prevent gain weight while taking birth control?

To prevent weight gain on birth control, don't change how much you eat or exercise. If you were gaining weight before starting birth control, you'll probably continue to gain weight after starting birth control.

Can you gain weight from eating grains?

If you eat too much you can gain weight from just about anyhing.

If you begin to take the pill or the patch will you gain weight and how much?

Yes there is a chance of weight gain with the pill, I am not sure about the patch, but I would not doubt it. There is no telling how much you will gain. I believe that the hormones are what makes you gain the weight. I can not guarentee that though.

Can you gain weight in a week by eating not much healthy food and if you can how much it can be?

yes since it is not healthy you can gain weighthow much you gain deoendes on the total fat it has also when you eat before bed all that food turns into fat because you are not burning it off so the food does not move like if you brn it off it stays in the same place and makesfat so eat early and dont eat before bed or else you will gain weight.

How does a human being gain weight?

u gain weight by eating to much. u would eat 24/7 non stop and when u eat to much fats and to much sugar it can cause u to gain weight

How much weight do you loose when you start your period if you are over 100 pounds?

You are not guarenteed to lose weight on your perio regardless of what you currently weight. If anything, girls tend to gain weight as they bloat or retain some water weight during their periods.

Does eating a lot of avocadoes help to gain weight?

Avocadoes are the most fatty fruit, but they may not help much in weight gain. If you easily gain weight, that will help.

Do women gain weight after becoming sexually active?

No we don't. You gain weight by not exercising and eating too much.

How much is your appeton weight gain?
