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If a women is pregnant than she will miss all of her periods, until she gives birth. then she will have a period every 28 days like normal

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Q: Do women on birth control miss their periods if pregnant?
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Birth control skiping periods?

Women can take the birth control pills continuously without a break to skip the periods.

How many women are still fertal enough to get pregnant after a month without birth control?

About 90% of women can get pregnant after a month without birth control.

If your on some form of birth control dont you automatically get periods how can you tell when your pregnant if you get automatic bleeding?

I know about the pill. I have know women (not many) that have gotten pregnant while on the pill, but as soon as they got pregnant they no longer had any periods. I hope that this helps:)

Are you more likely to have a miscarriage after birth control?

No, there is no increased rate of miscarriage for women who are pregnant while taking birth control or who get pregnant after stopping birth control.

While on birth control how long should your periods last?

While on birth control, your periods should last just as long as when you're not on birth control. Some women regularly experience 2-3 day periods while other women can regularly experience 6-8 day periods.

When are women on birth control most prone to getting pregnant?

The purpose of a birth control pill is not to get pregnant, so they are not "prone" to getting pregnant. To get pregnant the pill has to be stopped.

Are birth control pills for your period to?

Hormonal birth control methods, including the pill, can decrease the amount of bleeding and cramping with periods. Some women use them for this purpose and not for birth control.

What is the purpose of birth control?

To prevent women from becoming pregnant when they do not want to be prevents you from getting pregnant

Can a man release in a women if shes on birth control?

yes but you cant get pregnant

Can you be pregnant if you had your period for one day?

Possible, but most likely no. Many women have 1 day periods. I often did while on birth control pills. If you don't have a period in your next cycle get a test.

Can any women give birth?

No, only someone who has had periods first. Then you can have sex with a guy and get pregnant. Hope This Helped :)

If you have never taken birth control. Does birth control slow down your period?

The birth control pill will (or at least should) make your periods more regular and less intensive. The bloodloss will be far less (for most women)