While on Birth Control, your periods should last just as long as when you're not on birth control. Some women regularly experience 2-3 day periods while other women can regularly experience 6-8 day periods.
No. Actually when starting birth control it can cause your periods to be irregular at first.
There are no known food-birth control pill interactions, neither for birth control nor menstrual control use.
If she was on birth control you should not have much to worry about.
Women can take the birth control pills continuously without a break to skip the periods.
Hi, The following can cause too many periods while on birth control. * The doseage of birth control not being high enough for you. * Wrong type of birth control for you. * Missed birth control pill(s). * Pregnancy. * Urinary tract infection. Please note this is advice only and should not be used in place of a medical experts.
If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.
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The birth control pill will (or at least should) make your periods more regular and less intensive. The bloodloss will be far less (for most women)
You should not take birth control while pregnant. Not at all.
There are no food limitations or dietary restrictions with any of the methods of birth control.
A couple of months.
You should not expect cyclic cervical mucus changes while on hormonal birth control. Hormonal birth control thickens the cervical mucus.