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Like you would if you were sucking soup out of your spoon. Or like you're drinking out of a bottle or straw (lol).

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yes they like it.

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Q: Do men like women to suck their breasts?
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Do lactating breasts men enjoy lctating breasts?

I guess so, I think they like to suck on them maybe!

Why do some men want to grow breasts like women?

Why do some men want to grow breasts like women

Do men like breasts or the sight of a vagina more?

they like to "play" the vagina, of course, but to get a man to have a boner they would like breasts more. To seduce the man allow him to lick and suck your breasts and finger your vagina and suck his penis to lead to sex.

What do men find sexiest?

Well, a sexy romantic personality, a want for passionate sex, large breasts, a sexy ass, and a want in women to suck the man's penis are all things that men look for in women. Well, a sexy romantic personality, a want for passionate sex, large breasts, a sexy ass, and a want in women to suck the man's penis are all things that men look for in women.

Do men suck anything on the women?

Yes, there are parts of women that men might suck during love-making. The breasts and the vulva area are the most common areas that come to mind. Of course, men might suck a woman's neck, mouth, and feet as well. It all depends on the exact couple and what they want to do.

Why don't both men and women have breasts like women?

Because men don't have to nurse babies. Women do. the milk comes from them!

Is it okay for men to suck on your breasts?

If you're comfortable with it, absolutely!

If men had breasts would they be classified as gay or bisexual for enjoying women's breasts?

Breasts don't make a woman. Some women are flat chested. The men who love them aren't gay. Also, if men had breasts, they would be men's breasts. So a man attracted to men's breasts would be gay.

Do girls like their breasts sucked on?

yes they do they want more according to science some women get addited to that and tell a boy if they could suck on their breast ... most girls LOVE having their boobs sucked on during sex!!!

Why do girls have breasts and men have little breasts?

same reason men have penises and women dont, men are attracted to boobs, women are attracted to penises.

Why are there breasts?

The female breasts exist to give milk to their babies. Since many men prefer women with big breasts, instead of small ones, many women try to increase the size of their breasts (within reason) to appeal to men. Most men do not like breasts that are too big.

Do Indian men like large breasts?

Indian women do not have big breasts. You have wrong information about the same. Indians boast of mixture of all the races. That makes them unique.