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Be nice to them be a friend and make sure they're not going out with someone and make sure you don't hug them at an awkward moment

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13y ago
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11mo ago

Everyone has different preferences, so communication is key. It's important to respect personal boundaries and always ask for consent before physical contact. What one person may enjoy, another may find uncomfortable.

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12y ago

Yeah! Girls love it when they get a romantic hug, long and quiet. It gives us a feeling of comfort.

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12y ago

Umm obviously no. Girls don't like it when guys touch their "private" areas. And it is disgusting.

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13y ago

depends on who is asking and where.

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13y ago

Most girls do, so yes.

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13y ago

small way cuter

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Q: Do girls like it when guys squeeze them?
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It depends on what there doing. If they are playing and trying not to be rough then yeah she's playing along. But they don't like it if they are doing it too hard

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Guys and girls are both NOT simple trust me!

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no guys are ruffer and dumber then girls and more ignorant

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If they're nice guys. And girls can like guys even if he's ugly. :)

Why can't guys accept girls that are different?

There are men that aren't like that. There are guys out there that like girls that are different.