Because they just want you for your money.
I would say that girls are just as nervous SOMETIMES, not all the time. Some girls are more mature than some guys.
Sure! There's no reason they can't be! It's good for guys to have girls that are just friends to them, and it's good for girls to have guys who are just their friends too.
there are 3 types of guys out there: homosexual - view girls as just normal human beings horny - just see them as a way to have sex and normal guys - view girls as an opposite.
No! Were guys were the coolest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Well to me... "Guys hit girls is like breaking a rose but girls hit guys is just normal!!!" U know what my answer is, good luck then!!!! :)
The girls are just jealous of you and the guys probably like you.
Girls, we dont necessarily LOVE guys with money, we just prefer it. We dont like to be the ones handing out money to the fella. His job is to make you happy,... and happiness cost. We just cant be greedy. * And if you love him, you will adapt to circumstances.
They do it to guys too. They're just joking, its what guys do.
yes its all just fun for guys and girls
I like (nice) girls soo not all guys do, just find the right guy
Not all girls hate hairy guys if your very hairy dont be ashamed its just who you are
That's just girls.. This is just like saying, "Why are guys so into football and girls?"