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yeah they do!! or more lean in that case

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Q: Do belly button rings make you look skinnier?
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What kind of jewelry is required for belly button piercing?

Belly button rings. If you look at your local jewllers, they should have some in stock for you to look at:).

What does your belly button look like?

A hole

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Look on the tummy. If you see a "belly button", then it is a boy. (Hint: it's not really a belly button) If not, then it's a girl.

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What does a belly button ring look like on a fat person?

It doesn't look as attractive

Dose belly rings make you fat?

i definitly dnt think so, idk why it would. i dnt think belly rings look that great, but they definitly dnt make you fat!

Do your belly buttons started going in when you are pregnant how is your belly buttons supposed to look when you are pregnant?

When your pregnant your belly gets bigger,and your belly button just sticks out there.

Can you use belly button piercings for eyebrow piercings?

Technically, you could. There is a difference in gauge size though. An eyebrow piercing is a 16 while a belly ring is a 14. It would hurt to move up in size and would probably look unattractive because belly rings have much bigger jewels/ends.

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What is wrong with a 13 year old getting their belly button pierced?

I would say maybe 14 to get your belly button pierced so that the person is more mature and will look after it properly.