Technically, you could. There is a difference in gauge size though. An eyebrow piercing is a 16 while a belly ring is a 14. It would hurt to move up in size and would probably look unattractive because belly rings have much bigger jewels/ends.
If they are made from bio-compatible materials they are fine.
It's better to avoid gold all together for new piercings. Gold is not what you think it is. 18kt gold is 18/24ths gold and the rest is made up of fillers, 24kt gold is pure gold 24/24ths no fillers, 10kt gold is 10/24ths gold and the balance is again fillers. See the fillers are the problem, more often than not generally brass, copper and what ever else gets tossed into the mix. So the best bet is to go with biocompatible jewellery from the body piercing studio, once the piercing is fully healed (about 6 months or longer) you can get yourself a body jewellery gold banana bell made with neutral fillers.
No, piercing studios cant use injection numbing agents. Topical may work but not deep enough to make it worth it, they also tend to distort the tissue making aligning the piercings difficult.
If you are comfortable in your skin go for it. and know how to use your hips.
Yes, and they recomend you not to cause the eyebrow ring may sink into your naval. they recomend you to use belly button rings instead.
Not sure what you're asking. Dermal piercings can be put in the same area as a standard belly piercing would. If you're asking if surface piercings are just like belly piercings, no. Technically, navel piercings are surface piercings. other surface piercings require a different shape bar or dermals if you use them. They're typically deeper too.
YES if you talk with your belly
Yes it means you have a pierced eyebrow. Piercings mean what you want them to mean, but they mean nothing to the general public. I agree with the above answer but my best rfiend has his pierced and I think of him as a bit of a punk.
No, your belly button is what used to be your umbilical cord. After you are born it is formed into a belly button and has no more use.
A Needle.
Lebanon Kansas
Theres not much that you can do before or during. Really, it'll only hurt when it starts swelling. Then you just use ibuprofen, warm water soaks, and ice. Belly button piercings are said to be the easiest piercings so don't worry!
Use will power
A belly putter is designed to be anchored into your belly button and then you can use any variation of a putting grip you want. The idea is that the putter pivots about your belly button, and you swing it without as much use as the arms as you would find with a normal putter.