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Yes, alot.

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Q: Do asian guys like latinas
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0k So My Name is Deisy; Im a Latina, &nd I Love Asian Guysz, Its Pretty Funny How iStarted Likinq Asian Men.. iCame From A Lonq Trip &nd B00M 0ut 0f Nowhere iStarted Thinkinq 0f Asia Guys &nd How Hot They Are. But There's 0nly 0ne Problem... Do Asian Guys Go For Latinas?

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Yes, Black guys like Asian womens feet.

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Asian Guys most definitely like White Girls.

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everyone have their own preference. so, yes there are white girls who like Asian guys and there are who don"t.

Why do girls not like Asian American guys?

sex, strong guys, cute guys, and love

Do Asian guys like white girls who are not blonde and not very slim?

i think -yes! I am Asian male and I like all white girl and I find very sexy as do all other Asian guys

Do Asian girls like lazy guys?

Heck no.

Would some Asian girls like lazy white guys?

Yea some Asian girls will like lazy white guys it is all what clicks between the two

What do Asian guys like?

The type of girl an Asian guy might like probably mostlydepends on her background and race.Most Asian guys prefer pretty girls with a nice personality that is fun to hang out and talk to with.Hope this helped

Does Latinas like black guys?

Attraction is individual and can vary among Latinas just as it does among people of any background. It's important to approach relationships with an open mind, respect, and understanding of each person's individual preferences and boundaries.