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Q: Do Japanese men like women with a big butts?
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Do Arab men like women with big butts?


Do all black men like women with big butts?

Nope. It depends on the man.

Is there such a thing as really big butts?

Yes, some women have extremely large butts, but some men like a woman with a large butt.

Do women with big butts like who have big butts?

some do, some dont, and some dont care.

Do Japanese men like women with big butts?

I do think so because every man is interested in appearance and physical characteristics of a woman/girl but depending on the man, it is not the most important thing to them.

Why do black and hispanic women have big butts?


Girls like guys with big butt?

Only guys like big butts and maybe butts in general.

What is the name of the women with big butts?


Are average sized women with curvaceous hips and big bubble butts able to wear juniors clothes?

Yes, I do. Also, there is the Apple Bottom line that is designed for women with big butts

Do African-American men like big butts?

Science has revealed that all men like curves on women and therefore women possessing callipygian appear attractive.

Why are guys attracted to big butts?

It's there nature they like big butts because they are curvey... and we girls like tall guys they like girls with big butts.. its almost the same thing hope i helped there..

Why do Men have bigger butts than Women?

no that is too much wrong myth i see a lot of men with big butts and fat belly