Encoding simply refers to the "encoding" of one single file.
Batch encoding refers to setting up several files to encode one after another. It's basically automated.
explain the difference between batch processing and real-time processing
A session key is a temporary encryption keyused between two principals.A master key is a long-lasting key that isused between a key distribution centre and aprincipal for the purpose of encoding thetransmission of session keys.Typically, the master keys are distributed bynoncryptographic means.
Difference between paging and what?
just difference
i baked a batch of cookies with my Grandmother
explain the difference between batch processing and real-time processing
The main difference between batch sharing and time sharing is that in batch sharing system tasks are processed in order in which they arrive. Whereas, in the later the system switches between tasks.
rem is a comment that is only seen if you edit the batch echo actually is printed when the batch is running
JPEG2000 is a newer version of the JPEG encoding algorithm.
Basically the two terms refer to the same thing. Both are registration batches. The only difference is the market the are registered in.
Differentiate between Simple Batch Operating Systems and Time-sharing Operating Systems
In batch processing the tasks are performed in batches. In time sharing, the operating system shares the time between each task.
The difference between Batch System, Real Time System and Multitasking System is that they are cool and you are a gimp.
sponge iron production is continuous process sponge iron production is continuous process
The main difference between H.265 10-bit and 12-bit video encoding is the color depth they support. 10-bit encoding can display up to 1.07 billion colors, while 12-bit encoding can display up to 68.7 billion colors. This means that 12-bit encoding can provide more accurate and smoother color gradients, resulting in higher overall video quality compared to 10-bit encoding.
i batch is five a lot is oh ten or so. so when next time some says i have got a batch of numbers to sort out say in your mind that's only 5 you should of said