Differentiate between Simple Batch Operating Systems and Time-sharing Operating Systems
time sharing operating system is user interactive, but multiprogramming operating system need not be user interactive
1. BATCH PROCESSING operating system 2. MULTIPROGRAMMING operating system 3. TIME SHARING operating system 4. REAL TIME operating system 5. DISTRIBUTED operating system
AnswerAssuming you're like the 99% who are using PCs or MACs: An operating system resides on your local computer and it's function is to allow the software to work with the hardware on that machine. A network operating system allows multiple computers to connect to each other, controlling the sharing of devices, files or programs. This resides on a shared computer called a "server".
Multiprograming system is that system in which multiple programs run at same time or simontaniously for example windows xp.in this system does not provide user interaction with the coputer system. But time sharing systemis that provide user interaction with system and user thinks that system is with him all the time.
A client operating system is generally a single user operating system where only 1 user can be actively using the computer at any one time. Video and audio are important to the 'users' to have a rich experience. A server operating system is a multi-user operating system where it is optimized for multiple user access at the same time sharing all of the resources. Audio services may be limited and the video experience is not very important as many servers do not have dedicated monitors or keyboards (operate headless)
In batch processing the tasks are performed in batches. In time sharing, the operating system shares the time between each task.
multi processing is nothing but executing multiple thrads on multiple processors at a time....
there is no proper knowledge regarding this question.
parallel operating system is tha sharing of data between two computers....... Distributing system is the sharing of data among different computers....
time sharing operating system is user interactive, but multiprogramming operating system need not be user interactive
The main difference between batch sharing and time sharing is that in batch sharing system tasks are processed in order in which they arrive. Whereas, in the later the system switches between tasks.
1. BATCH PROCESSING operating system 2. MULTIPROGRAMMING operating system 3. TIME SHARING operating system 4. REAL TIME operating system 5. DISTRIBUTED operating system
sharing is giving some but not all away.
Running of the jobs in an orderly way is known as batch system OS. On the other hand, tasks are allotted specific OS switches and time in time sharing OS.
A network operating system (NOS) can be defined as an operating system if the computer which main duties is to support workstations, personal computers and in some instances, older terminals that are connected on the local area network. It provides sharing of printers, common file system and database sharing, application sharing, and the ability to manage a network name directory, security, and other housekeeping aspects of a network.
Well Federalism is sharing power between states
Unix was designed specifically to handle many users and requests at the same time (time-sharing).