A cipher machine is a mechanical device for encoding and decoding messages.
1. If you are writing few lines in any computational language in order to achieve certain result, this is called coding. It is understandable to anyone knowing that particular language. Encoding is basically finding an alternate way to represent data such as to make it easier to port across various platforms.e.g. Unicode, ASCII etc. Encoding sometimes in terms of electronics also means encrypting the data e.g. Hoffman encoding
One method of translating data into code is by using encoding techniques. Encoding is the process of transforming data into a format that can be easily processed or transmitted by a computer. Common encoding methods include binary encoding, ASCII encoding, and Unicode encoding. These methods assign numeric values or patterns to represent the data, allowing it to be stored or transmitted as code.
difference between as on and as at
opening/playing/reading/watching a file (Decoding) and making a file (Encoding)there are many different ways to read/write a bunch of "1's" and "0's." A files extention (.wav; .mp3; .iso; etc) explains how that file should be read as/written as. For example, this paragraph could be written in Spanish and generally say the same thing with the same general letters.source:http://www.free-codecs.com/guides/Whats_the_difference_between_decoding_encoding_recoding_and_transcoding.htm EncodingCreating a video file in a special format (e.g. DivX, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, ...) - You´ll need a DivX Encoder in order to be able to create DivX files and a MPEG-2 Encoder in order to be able to create MPEG-2 videos. You´ll need these encoders for transcoding and recoding http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Special:Wysiwyg?tid=wysiwyg# as well.• DecodingSimply opening and watching video files with a http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Special:Wysiwyg?tid=wysiwyg# (e.g. a DivX decoder for opening DivX files or a MPEG-1 Decoder for opening a MPEG-1 video file).
Encoding refers to the creation of, or the production of, a message (something you are trying to communicate). Decoding refers to the listener, or audience, interpreting and deriving the meaning of that message. So, in a commercial for a breakfast cereal, the company that is trying to persuade you to buy it will create an ad and you will see or hear it on TV and radio. You will then interpret, and hopeful, understand, what has just been said in that ad. British communication scholar Stuart Hall is one of the best known proponents of the theory of encoding and decoding.
Dysgraphia is a problem of encoding language not decoding language like dyslexia.
decoding is to unscramble a code, encoding is to make or join two codes and make one
A cipher machine is a mechanical device for encoding and decoding messages.
The CLPI keyword is significant in video encoding and decoding as it helps identify the order of video clips in a playlist, allowing for seamless playback and organization of multimedia content.
Comprehension assigns meaning to the words while decoding only assigns sounds.
stimulus ideation encoding reception decoding understanding action
Source idea Message Encoding Channel Receiver Decoding Feedback
the nine elements of communication is....... Sender Receiver Encoding Decoding Media Message Response Feedback Noise the nine elements of communication is....... Sender Receiver Encoding Decoding Media Message Response Feedback Noise
Decoding is step two of a process first described by communication scholar Stuart Hall. He first discussed step one-- encoding. Encoding refers to creating or producing a message; decoding refers to the listener or audience interpreting and understanding that message. For example, a company that sells candy bars wants you to buy one of theirs, rather than their competitor's. So they create a fun television commercial (encoding). You see it on TV and you interpret and understand what was being told to you (decoding).
Encoding simply refers to the "encoding" of one single file. Batch encoding refers to setting up several files to encode one after another. It's basically automated.