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Marijuana produces immediate, temporary changes in thoughts, perceptions, and information processing. The cognitive process most clearly affected by marijuana is short-term memory. In laboratory studies, subjects under the influence of marijuana have no trouble remembering things they learned previously. However, they display diminished capacity to learn and recall new information. This diminishment only lasts for the duration of the intoxication. There is no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions.

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Q: Could you get short term memory loss by smoking marijuana?
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What are the effects of smoking marijuana on students in Fiji?

Smoking marijuana causes students in Fiji to have an increased appetite. Habitual marijuana use adversely affects their short term memory.

What affects short term memory?


Does cannabis affect the memory?

Short-term cannabis use can impair memory and cognitive function. Regular, heavy use over a long period may have more sustained effects on memory. However, research on the long-term impact of cannabis on memory is still evolving.

What are the physical consequences of marijuana use?

Smoking marijuana can cause lung, mouth, or throat cancer. That's about it. Also, chronic marijuana users usually suffer from short-term memory problems, but this usually clears up once the person has quit using.

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What is there to be afraid of when smoking marijuana?

short term memory loss, causes breathing problems, effects you brain and body system, more tar in marijuana than tobbaco, increased chances in having cancer, and its illegal, and lots more

Immediate side effects after smoking marijuana?

time seems to slow down considerably, lapses of short term memory. In the middle of a sentence you can easily forget what you were trying to say.

What does smoking pot daily do to your body?

It's about as bad for your lungs as tobacco smoke is, and chronic marijuana smokers also usually have short-term memory problems (although this usually clears up once the person quits smoking).

Does weed help learning skills?

No. The opposite, in fact: smoking too much marijuana affects your short-term memory, making it harder to learn and retain large amounts of information.

Does smoking marijuana while studying lessen a student's ability to recall and to concentrate?

Marijuana does affect the short term memory and concentration -- so if you're studying, your concentration and recall will go down. Also ... marijuana is illegal at the moment, and WikiAnswers would never condone illegal behaviour.

What have researchers discovered about marijuana and memory?

The hippocampus has THC receptors that reduce short=term memory

What have researchers discovered about marijuana use and memory?

Researchers have found that frequent marijuana use can impair memory, particularly short-term memory. This effect is thought to be due to how marijuana affects the hippocampus, a region of the brain important for memory. Chronic use during adolescence may have long-lasting effects on memory and cognitive function.