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Yes, you can be. Take a test. Good luck!

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Q: Could you be pregnant if breasts are so painful lower abdominal cramping period is 4 days late nipples are hard and extremely sensitive to the touch?
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What kind of feeling would you get if you are pregnant?

What kinds or feelings do you have when you are pregnant? Nausea, abdominal cramping, headache.......

Is 6 days late period and lower abdominal tightness a sign of pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, the period you miss you won't get at all. The abdominal tightness is probably just cramping from your period coming late.

Is cramping normal at 7 weeks pregnant?

i am seven weeks pregnant and i have cramping everyday is it normal

What happens if you take the morning after pill but you acctually do not have a chance of being pregnant?

Hi, Nothing will happen but you will still probably feel abdominal cramping and may experience vaginal bleeding.

Do you have aBdominal pains if your pregnant?

Yes, when I was about 7 to 12 weeks along i had minor cramping that felt like the cramps I got when I was on my period but my doctor said it is usually caused by your uterus stretching.

Can you still be pregnant with cramping?


You have cramping but no bleeding?

could you be pregnant ???

You fainted twice back to back and you have heavy cramping but you are bleeding are you pregnant?

If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.

Do girls get sensitive when pregnant?

Yes,girls get sensitive when they get pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


Will you feel light cramping if you are pregnant?


I have had all the symptoms of a miscarriage. was it a miscarriage?

Only your Doctor can truly answer this question. Was you definitely pregnant and was it confirmed by pregnancy test or blood test? If you are/was pregnant and you are now experiencing bleeding, abdominal cramping etc, you should go to A & E, Early Pregnancy Unit or contact your Doctor immediately.