What kinds or feelings do you have when you are pregnant? Nausea, abdominal cramping, headache.......
I think it would be better written as "feeling kind of awkward" since "kind of" means slightly. You would say "feeling slightly awkward", not "slightly feeling awkward".
to get pregnant you have to have sexual intercourse, his penis has to enter your vagina for you to get pregnant.
my belly feels itchy i have a tingling feeling in my stomach does this mean i am pregnant?
It is possible but you would be pretty far along to already feel the fluttering feeling. I would hope you have noticed other possible symptoms of pregnancy as well. Try taking a pregnancy test to determine for sure if you are pregnant or not. If you are pregnant, schedule an appointment with an OB/GYN to start your prenatal care as soon possible.
Yes feeling hotter is possible when pregnant.
New Kind of Feeling was created in 1979-01.
Yes, you can do
Kind can be an adjective, feeling is a noun or the present participle of the verb 'to feel'.
Soul Kind of Feeling was created on -19-03-01.
You should stop smoking immediately after finding out you are pregnant
Yes; if you are pregnant, should start to begin feeling symptoms.