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I'm sure it's possible, assuming you've ruled out pregnancy or other physiological causes.

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Q: Could stress cause you to skip your period for 4 months?
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That is wrong when you did not have your period for 2 months but you know you not pregnant?

Stress can cause the absence of a period.

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Can stress cause you to miss your period?

Yes. Stress can cause you to miss your period.

I am five days late with my period but i am not pregnant. What could cause this?

stress can cause your period not to come on so my advice is to see a physician

What should you do if you are 14 and missed your period the last two months?

first, if you have had sexual intercourse, you very well could be pregnant. if you are very athletic, that could cause missed period. And last, the most common thing is stress. good luck!

What could cause you to miss your period 2 months in a row?


What could cause you to miss your period for 3 months if you are not a virgin?

you might be pregnant

Can starting a new job cause you to miss your period?

i think it could, depending on your stress levels.

Can stress cause you not to have your period?


Is it normal to go nine months without having your period?

mainly if ur pregnant but other things can cause that too, like stress

What could be wrong if your period is 6 days late and you have always had protected sex?

Stress and hormonal imbalances can cause your period to come late.

Missed period for almost 2 months now have light spotting for 2 weeks?

If you have missed your period for two months you may be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. If you are not pregnant, stress may be the cause of your missed cycle.