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Nope. They only work once.

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Q: Can you use the same home pregnancy test twice?
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Can you use the same pregnancy test twice?

no they are one time only

Can you use a pregnancy test twice?

No you can not

Can you take the same pregnancy test twice if it was negative the first time?

If it is a store bought one, No. They are only good for one test.

A doctors pregnancy test vs home pregnancy test?

A doctor's pregnancy test is much more accurate, where as a home pregnancy test can be faulty.

What's the best home pregnancy test for my friend to use?

There are many home pregnancy tests for your friend to use. Home pregnancy test are pretty much the same in terms of accuracy and reliability, so I would recommend the pregnancy test that is the cheapest at a local grocery store or pharmacy.

What is the earliest a dr can detect pregnancy with a urine test?

Every doctors office is different, but the very earliest a pregnancy test can detect pregnancy is 10 MIU. Most tests detect at 20 or 25 tho. So chances are, if your home test is negative, your doctor will say the same thign.

Can you pass a home pregnancy test and not be pregnant?

It is possible to get a false positive on a pregnancy test, but highly improbable. I once went in the doctor after taking a home pregnancy test and the doctor basically said that he would not test again, because they use the same test and I was pregnant. But, I did get a false positive as a teenager and the 2nd test was negative. Take a 2nd test.

Can you get a false positive different brands pregnancy test twice in the same day?

No. False positives are extremely rare, it would be incredibly unlikely that you'd have two false positives with two different brands of pregnancy test. Good luck with your pregnancy.

When was the modern home pregnancy test invented?

The first home pregnancy test was created and marketed in 1978.

Can you take take a pregnancy test twice?

you cant you idoit

How can i check pregnancy at home?

get a pregnancy test at the store

What is the best home pregnancy test kit in the market today?

You can get any pregnancy test, as they are all really the same. First Response is good at detecting early pregnancy. If you are trying to get pregnant you would be better off with an ovulation test instead though.