It is possible to get a false positive on a pregnancy test, but highly improbable. I once went in the doctor after taking a home pregnancy test and the doctor basically said that he would not test again, because they use the same test and I was pregnant. But, I did get a false positive as a teenager and the 2nd test was negative. Take a 2nd test.
By being pregnant. There is no other way.
You are pregnant
if you have only 1 line after taking your home pregnancy test it mean that you are NOT pregnant, and if there are 2 lines on your home pregnancy test, then you are pregnant but should go to a docotor to confirm it.
The easiest way to know if you are pregnant or not is to take a home pregnancy test or to see your Dr.
A urine pregnancy test tests for the "preg hormone" in the urine, which is at a higher level when a woman is pregnant. However, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish; a pregnancy test isn't a "Pass/Fail" scenario; it tells you if you're pregnant or not. Male urine on a pregnancy test should test negative.
A home pregnancy test is most likely to be accurate if it is positive meaning if you had a negative test you should be monitoring if you could be pregnant. You could have taken the home test too early to detect pregnancy. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor and get a test done there to rule out pregnancy.
That you're already pregnant!
was it a pregnancy test at the hospital or at home if at home get the ultra sound if at the hospital don't bother
By doing a home pregnancy test or, more accurate, a blood test.
They should take a home pregnancy test and/or go to see their Dr and tell them that you may be pregnant. If you have a positive home pregnancy test see your Dr as soon as possible and they will tell you what to do.
a home pregnancy test wont always work for the first few days of pregnancy. if youre trying it soon after you mightve gotten pregnant, try waiting a week or two