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Not likely ,

but there is always a chance :)

keep your hopes up .


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Q: What are your chances of having a girl after two boys?
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What is the probability that a random couple with three children will have at least two boys?

If we consider there is a 50% chance for having a boy and 50% for having a girl*, there is : - 12,5% chance of having no boys; - 37,5% chance of having 1 boy; - 37,5% chance of having 2 boys; - 12,5% chance of having 3 boys. Therefore, there is 50% chance of having at least two boys. *The odds are more like 51% for having a boy and 49% for having a girl, but it doesn't really matters.

What are the chances of having a boy after having 2 girls?

The male determines the sex of the child and some men are more likely to sire one sex or the other. But, no matter what sex children he's had in the past, his next child is as likely to be a boy or a girl as his first. What has happened in the past does not affect the odds in the future. That is a man's chances of having a boy after having two girls is the same as it was when he had his first girl. But, because he's had two girls it may suggest he's more likely to sire girls than boys.

What is the possibility of having a girl after two boys?

There is a complete possibility because it doesn't matter the amount of kids, boys or girls, had before.

Can two boys have a baby?

No. The only way two boys could have a baby is if one of the two boys used to be a girl, and they kept the girl organs.

If a couple wants to have two children what is the probability that the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy?

Assuming the chances of having a boy and having a girl are equal (50/50), there are 4 possible outcomes from having 2 children. BOY-BOY, or GIRL-GIRL, or BOY-GIRL, or GIRL-BOY. Since each outcome is of equal probability it means there's a 25% chance the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy.

How do you get the girl if there are two boys fighting for her?

Try and separate the boys into diffrent cages wile they are sleeping and then you can get the girl.

If a girl has sexed with 2 boys not at the same time in between 5mths without condom releasing sperm outside w'l it harm that girl if she latter sex with her future husband?

No, there are no chances of any problem the problem might occure if any of the two boys are having any sexual infection else on physical aspect every thing is fine. Enjoy yr life with yr husband Past can't be changed but of-course you are having great chance to Improve your Future. Best of luck .....

In a double birth what are the odds that it is two girls or girl and boy?

With no other factors known, the chances are almost the same for a boy or girl (very slightly more boys are born). So, the chance would be approximately 33% that you would get two girls, and 33% that you would get a girl and a boy. 66% that there would be a girl at all (either girl-girl twins or girl-boy twins).

Did Henri matisse have a boy or a girl?

both he had a girl and two boys

Are the wonderpets boys or girls?

ming-ming is a girl and the other two are boys.

George and his twin sister are among 3 boys and 5 girls nominated for an honors band one boy and one girl will be selected random what are each of their chances of being selected?

George's chances are 1 in 3. His sister's chances are 1 in 5. The two probabilities are unrelated, nor is the fact that they are twins.

What are some good names for twins?

If you are having two boys you can name them Dwayne and Dwight, if you are having to girls you can name them hailee and valeree, and if you are having a girl and a boy you can name them tyrone and teyonna :) hope this is some kind of help or a girl name is yasmine and jasmin. or boys Monte and donte or eve derrick or Eric