Some forms of pregnancy tests can sense the pregnancy hormones up to eight days before your missed period. These are very sensitive and could cause false positives.
By taking a pregnancy test.
mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..
no it can't tell you if you missed your period for 8 weeks
I found out 6 days before my missed period with a 5 day sooner pregnancy test. I would wait atleast until the 6th or 5th day before your missed period. Or with a normal test they day before or of your missed period. :)
that's something that only your doctor can tell you. you are probably not pregnant though, you can miss periods from stress.
After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy.
No. It can take a while before the sperm even finds the egg and then there is a time when the egg is being fertilized. Detection usually occurs once you have missed a period by a pregnancy test. some can even dectect is a few days before a missed period.
Answermost pregnancy test can tell you up to five days before your missed period i have a friend that found out when she was only two weeks pregnant during a doctors visit though
I can't tell you if you are pregnant, because I'm not psychic. But I can tell you that those are pregnancy symptoms, so you shouls take a pregnancy test, which can tell you if you are pregnant or not
Usually a pregnancy test will pick up the pregnancy hormone by the first or second day of your missed period if you are pregnant, but many tests suggest that you wait a week after you miss your period.
only a couple of days after your missed period
No. To get a reliable result on a home pregnancy test you should wait 14-16 days after you think you ovulated to test.