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Some forms of pregnancy tests can sense the pregnancy hormones up to eight days before your missed period. These are very sensitive and could cause false positives.

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Q: Can you tell if your pregnant before missed period?
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How can you tell you're pregnant before your missed period?

By taking a pregnancy test.

How early can a pregnancy test tell your pregnant?

mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..

Will a pregnancy test tell you are pregnant if you have missed your period for 8 weeks?

no it can't tell you if you missed your period for 8 weeks

Whats the earliest you can tell if you are pregnant?

I found out 6 days before my missed period with a 5 day sooner pregnancy test. I would wait atleast until the 6th or 5th day before your missed period. Or with a normal test they day before or of your missed period. :)

You missed your period one month then you had light bleeding which is now heavier Before your period you were experienecing pregnancy symptoms are you pregnant?

that's something that only your doctor can tell you. you are probably not pregnant though, you can miss periods from stress.

How long does it take before a doctor can tell you if you're pregnant?

After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy.

Can you tell if your pregnant the very next day?

No. It can take a while before the sperm even finds the egg and then there is a time when the egg is being fertilized. Detection usually occurs once you have missed a period by a pregnancy test. some can even dectect is a few days before a missed period.

How soon can you know if im pregnant?

Answermost pregnancy test can tell you up to five days before your missed period i have a friend that found out when she was only two weeks pregnant during a doctors visit though

Could i be pregnant missed Period Cramps Headaches didnt take a test yet though am I pregnant?

I can't tell you if you are pregnant, because I'm not psychic. But I can tell you that those are pregnancy symptoms, so you shouls take a pregnancy test, which can tell you if you are pregnant or not

How can you tell that your pregnant?

Usually a pregnancy test will pick up the pregnancy hormone by the first or second day of your missed period if you are pregnant, but many tests suggest that you wait a week after you miss your period.

How long does it take to tell if your pregnant?

only a couple of days after your missed period

Can a urine test tell if your pregnant 11 days before your missed period?

No. To get a reliable result on a home pregnancy test you should wait 14-16 days after you think you ovulated to test.