I know a few ppl who were getting dropped and smoked marijuana and they took water pills and dropped clean.
And they continue to do it and if they drop dirty they get 3-12 years.
So the water pills work or else they wouldn't smoke and take the pills if they didn't work
Yes and no.
The active chemical in marijuana, THC, is stored in fat.
THC is not water soluble.
As the fat is burned by your metabolism, the THC is released into your urine as what's called a metabolite. Drinking water will dilute the metabolites in your urine, but do nothing in terms of removing the THC from your fat.
Get active. Boost your metabolism. This means eating more, and exercising. Eating less will actually slow your metabolism down! Better get to running ;)
The most effective way to remove marijuana from your system is to allow your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate it. Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can potentially help speed up the process. However, there is no foolproof method to quickly remove marijuana from your system.
its a myth it doesn't
The way to cleanse a body to rid THC is to drink lots of water. Stop smoking the marijuana. One can also take pills that will flush the system clean or mask the drug.
Flushing old pills down the toilet can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life. It is recommended to properly dispose of old pills at a designated medication take-back location to prevent environmental damage.
Marijuana once taken in is spread all through out your system including blood stream. It is best to drink much water or take water pills which will cause you to dehydrate and drink water to flush you entire system out.
No i suggest you take more than 4 Valium a day;)
Cranberry pills and juice can help to detox the body. While detoxing you can take the pills three times a day along with the juice in place of meals. You are not supposed to eat anything solid while you are doing this. Once done with the detox, slowly start eating solid foods. Start with fresh fruit or veggies.
If you need to take a drug test, but you know you have THC in your system, the best thing to do is, and this is gross, drink vinegar. I have heard that this will flush the THC out of your system, but I'm not positive about that. Another thing, drink A LOT of water before taking the drug test. Sometimes if you drink enough water your pee will be diluted and nothing will show up on the drug screening.
It depends on your level of body fat, how much water you drink, and how often you urinate.
Diurex water pills work by increasing urination to remove excess water and salt from the body. While they may help to flush out fluids, they do not specifically target THC or aid in the detoxification process for drug tests. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate methods to clear THC from your system.
Cheapest way is to drink lots of water but it still will take about three days
AnswersOnly the passage of time will do that.More research has to be done in this area.There is no answer to this at the moment.