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Yes it do u can get them from Walgreens or Walmart just 4 dollars take 2 before testing and that should do it.

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9mo ago

Diurex water pills work by increasing urination to remove excess water and salt from the body. While they may help to flush out fluids, they do not specifically target THC or aid in the detoxification process for drug tests. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate methods to clear THC from your system.

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Q: Do diurex water pills clean out your system from THC?
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What pills clean marijuana from your urine?

There are no specific pills that can quickly clean marijuana from your urine. Time is the most effective way for your body to naturally eliminate THC, the active component in marijuana, from your system. Staying hydrated and engaging in physical activity can help speed up the process, but there is no guaranteed way to quickly cleanse your system.

What can get THC out of system?

The best way to remove THC from your system is by giving your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate it. Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up this process. There are also detox products and drinks that claim to flush out THC, but their effectiveness is not always guaranteed.

How does the slingshot water system work to provide clean and safe drinking water in remote areas?

The slingshot water system uses a unique technology to purify contaminated water by vaporizing it and then condensing the vapor to produce clean drinking water. This process removes impurities and pathogens, making the water safe to drink. This system is effective in remote areas where access to clean water is limited.

How wouldi write an hypothesis on making dirty water clean?

If I were to write a hypothesis on making dirty water clean, it would be something like: "If a filtration system is implemented to remove impurities from dirty water, then the water will become cleaner and safe for consumption."

Do vitamins clean marijuana from your system?

No, vitamins do not clean marijuana from your system. The best way to eliminate marijuana from your system is through abstaining from use and allowing your body time to metabolize and eliminate the drug on its own. Drinking plenty of water and exercising may also help flush out the drug.

Related questions

What are the side effects of Diurex water pills?

There are several side effects that Diurex water pills can cause. You may experience risk of dehydration, allergic reactions causing hives, rash and swelling of the mouth and throat.

Does Sundown Natural Water pills clean out THC from your urinary system?


Is your body clean of pills after drinking gallons of water?

It really depends on what kind of pills and how much you weigh but enough water will clean your system just keep drinkin and peeing

Clean your system of pain pills like xanax?

There is only one way to clean your system of Xanax. You will need lots of water and sleep.

Is it normal for your pee to be a blue when you take diurex water pills?

It means the red blood cell count is very low and will most likely lead to death

Can water clean your system of pills?

No i suggest you take more than 4 Valium a day;)

What would clean your system of marijuana in a week?

Detox or water pills. You can find detox at cvs or other stores like that. You can find water pills in the camping section at wal-mart.

Do water purification pills clean your system?

Water purification pills are designed to make untreated water safe to drink by removing or killing harmful microorganisms. They are not meant to "clean" your internal system. To cleanse your body internally, you should focus on staying hydrated with clean water, eating a balanced diet, and being physically active.

Can you take diurex water pills and hydroxycut?

I took a water pill with muscletech's shredded stack back in 2008. The pills were hydrazide and the results were amazing. 7 pounds a week amazing. If anything I would combine the two muscletech products Hydroxycut hardcore x and hydrazide. Both will cut down loose water under your skin and help burn fat by thermogenesis.

Does niacin rid your system of THC for good?

Yes it can Take atleast 2 pills a day And drinks alot of water should clean it in less then A week

Household Detox for weed?

Its not household but you can get niacin pills to help your system get clean quicker. I don't think their real expensive.Exercise

Do water pills clean your system of marijuana?

Water pills are a good way to get weed out your system but its not as much of a miracle as people say unless your not a daily smoker because then its easy to get THC out of your system because your not a daily but if you are try taking two a day and do whatever you need to in order to burn fat but cranberry juice and water are the best way but water pills do help a lot so yea. :)