Are you asking whether you can take a pregnancy test and get an accurate result 4 months after sex? If so, the answer is yes.
A positive pregnancy test means that you're pregnant.
Not necessarily. Take a pregnancy test or see your physician.
A prgenancy test at 4 months should be positive if you are in fact pregnant. The pregnancy test is based off BhCG levels which are high at 4 months and should result in a positive test. The real question is why are you taking a pregnancy test at 4 months? Were you pregnant and now you think you miscarried? Routine prenatal care should be well underway at this point and a pregnancy well established. If you had a positive test and now a repeat is negative it is likely a miscariage happened some time ago. I would advise seeing an OB doctor and providing a full history and copies of labs and ultrasounds if availble for full evaluation.
At around 4 months of pregnancy
after having a miscarriage 6 months ago my period is 4 days late.took pregnancy test it came back negative am i pregnant
Yes, you can take a pregnancy test when you miss your period, or some tests claim five days before your period.
It typically takes about 1-2 weeks after conception for a blood pregnancy test to detect the hormone hCG, which is produced during pregnancy.
You can take an at home pregnancy test up to 4 days before your expected pregnancy. The longer you wait the more accurate result you get but you can as soon as 4 days before.
take another pregnancy test but this time take more than ONE!
4 months
there is always the possibility of a pregnancy if you are engaging in sexual intercourse. Check with your doctor, or take an at home pregnancy test
A home pregnancy test and/or a blood test from your Dr can confirm pregnancy. Ultra sounds are reasonably safe during any point of pregnancy.