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Q: How many months are 18 weeks in a pregnancy?
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How many months in pregnancy is eighteen weeks?

4 months and 1 week.

How many weeks in eighteen months?

roughly 78 weeks in 18 months, as there are 52 weeks in one year.

How many weeks in 18 months?

You need to work it out this way We know by definition that there are 52 weeks in 12 months. so: 52/12 = the number of week in 1 month. 4.3333 So if 1 month = 4.3333 weeks, 18 months = 4.3333*18 = 77.9994 weeks.

How many months are in 79 weeks?

A week over 18 months.

How many months is 79 weeks?

A week past 18 months.

How many weeks is 7 months of pregnancy?

A month is a month by the calendar. 13 weeks is about 3 months.

If you are 18 weeks how many months are you and when will you turn 5 months?

18 weeks old is equal to 4 months and a few days (4-6). So to be 5 months old there are three weeks and 4-6 days to go.

Im 18 week how many months are you?

Well, you would be 18 weeks pregnant. 14 weeks is the begining of your 2nd trimester so you would be 4 weeks into your second trimester. Or you would be 4 1/2 months along.

How long is 18 weeks?

When someone is 18 weeks pregnant they are in their second trimester. A pregnancy is usually 42 weeks long. The first trimester is the first 13 weeks. The second trimester runs from week 14 to 26. The third and final trimester is weeks 27 to 42.

If you are 18 weeks how many months are you?

If you are 18 weeks, your are 4 months and 2 weeks. actually you are in the 1st week of your 5 month and in the second month of your 2nd trimester. research before answering please. thank you

How many month is 18 weeks?

Well there are about four weeks per month so divide 18 by four and it's about 4 and a half months. hope this helps

How long is 80 weeks in months?

18 months