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A 4 months it has to be by surgery by a doctor.

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Q: How do you abort 4 months pregnancy in natural way?
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Is there any pill to abort 1 month pregnancy?

There are pills to abort pregnancy after you have missed the period for 2 to 3 weeks. Any way consult your Gaenacologist for expert advice.

What is the most effective way to terminate an early pregnancy?

There is no safe way for you to abort the pregnancy yourself. It can be quite harmful, especially if the placenta is already developed and attached to the uterus. The safest way would be for you to go to the doctor and have an abortion performed.

What can be done against an unwanted pregnancy?

The best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to use birth control such as the contraceptive pill and or condoms. If you find yourself pregnant unexpectedly and are not ready to become a mother, it may be possible to abort the pregnancy.

Is there a pill that stops pregnancy before 3 months?

No, The only way to terminate a pregnancy during the first three months is an abortion with a doctor.

How do you destroy the pregnancy at home?

there is no medically recomend way to abort a pregnancy at home as complications can always arise. however several factors such as smokeing, alcohol, loud music, ALOT of streneous excercise can damage the baby and lead to a miscarriage. some people will joke that a falcon punch will work but this can SERIOUSLY harm you. generally only sevre shock to the system (normally physcial) or a operation to remove the embryo will abort a pregnancy 100%.

Can 4 months pregnancy can be aborted by oxytocin?

Passed 9 weeks the only way is by surgery.

If you had normal periods for passed two months and then stopped menstruating can you still be pregnant?

The normal way is that the menstruation will stop one day. It can happen that women have their periods longer. To be sure get a pregnancy test or see your doc, but I don´t see why you shouldn´t be pregnant any more. If you would have had an abort, you ure would have noticed that.

How you can protect a lady form being a pregnancy after the sperm get in her pussi in natural way?

morning after pills

How can you stop the pregnancy in natural way?

Abortions should only be performed, where legal, by a qualified doctor.

What will you do if your partner coudnt abort you to give a child?

Sorry but the way you worded the question makes no sense. Clearly your partner can not abort her partner.

Is there a Natural way to reduce melanin in the body?

Avoid the sun for about 9 months.

Can bleeding for nine months affect your pregnancy?

Yes, in some way but you are in your term already, then just deliver the child.