No, The only way to terminate a pregnancy during the first three months is an abortion with a doctor.
Not unless pregnancy is desired. You can safely take the Pill for years.
The minipill or progesterone only pill is designed to prevent pregnancy. If you take it before you know you're pregnant, it will not end or harm the pregnancy.
If you want to avoid pregnancy, you should keep taking the pill.
It's not advisable no. Taking the pill for one month will not prevent pregnancy as you need to be on the pill for 4 weeks before you can have unprotected sex without the risk of pregnancy.
If you are not using effective birth control, you could be pregnant. A woman who stops Depo Provera may get a period immediately after stopping, or it may take up to 18 months. The average is 11 months. Take a pregnancy test if you may be at risk for pregnancy.
The pill is designed to tell your body that it is pregnant so that it stops the menstrual cycle. if you had sex right after you started taking the pill it might not have kicked in soon enough. All the symptoms you describe are side effects of the Pill. If they don't subside call your doctor. Unless you were pregnant before starting BC, you would not be having those symptoms so soon from a pregnancy.
no it is fine to take the pill before your first pregnancy, you can take it anytime as long as you have hit puberty
Plan B (when plan A didn't work) is a massive dose of levonorgestrel. It stops pregnancy by preventing the implantation of the fertilized egg.
Typically a woman who had normal periods before using the pill will ovulate 2-4 weeks after stopping the pill. The average couple will get pregnant in six months, whether the pill was used before or never used.
maybe so
My friend was telling me that she had unprotected sex yesterday and is only on your 5th coneception pill. shes had spotting today and she's just wondering if she is safe because of the spotting or could she still get pregnant?
When a woman stops taking the pill, her period normally returns to its previous pattern after one or two months.