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Yes it's probably very likely that you could. Check with your Dr to be sure.

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Q: Can you still get pregnant with a small cyst on one ovary and one at your cervix?
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Can you get pregnant after having an ovary removed because of a ovarian cyst?

Yes, if you still have the other ovary. Girls are born with two ovaries, both of which produce eggs. So if you still have the other ovary, you can definitely become pregnant.

Will the woman get pregnant if her one ovary is broken?

If the other ovary is still functional then yes. It may take longer to become pregnant but it is not imposable.

You wipe the fluids with cloth after intercourse is that stopping you from getting pregnant?

No. Lots of semen will still pass through the cervix, so you can still get pregnant.

What if deeply penetrate a pregnant woman?

You still can't hurt the fetus. No man will reach inside the uterus and the cervix, apart form the mucus plug being there, is also too small. It might be uncomfortable if you hit the cervix though.

Your cervix get soft when your period is coming However your period has not come and your cervix is still soft Could you be pregnant?

If you are pregnant your cervix will swell and get firmer to the touch. This is due to the entrance being sealed so it now starts collecting fluids inside.

My 14 year old daughter had an ovary and tube removed can she still have kids later on in life?

* Yes, you daughter can still get pregnant, but since each ovary takes turns releasing an egg she may have a harder time getting pregnant (although many young women don't.) Please click on this link for more information:

Is it possible to have a baby if you had a cyst on your ovary and they had to remove the right ovary and the fallopian tube?

You can get pregnant still yes. As long as the tubes aren’t tied.

I am 38weeks pregnant and my cervixs are still close. Does this mean i will have my baby late?

Not necessarily, my cervix was still closed 6 hours before I had my baby at 40 weeks.

I was pregnant an i had a sis on my left tube and they had to take my tube could i still get pregnant an how?

You can still become pregnant, although it will be more difficult. You still have the right ovary and tube intact. And depending on how much of your tube they had to take out if it wasn't much they could still grow back. That happens sometimes with women that have had their tubes tied.

After fertilisation what does the ovary become?

the ovary does not become fertilized and remains an ovary. if you mean the egg, it becomes a Zygote.

Can a woman with one ovary and tube still have kids?

Of course since you still have a ovary, tube and uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant with one ovary after a hysterectomy and having an opening and yes the ovary still produces eggs?

No. During a hysterectomy your uterus is removed and, even if the ovaries do remain, there is no longer a way for sperm and the egg to come into contact with each other.