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yes tou can

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Q: Can you shot slugs in Remington 870 super mag?
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Can you shoot slugs in a Remington 870 express?

Depends on what it is choked.

Can you shoot rifled slugs from a Remington 870 Wingmaster shotgun?

Yes you can, I own a Remington 870 wingmaster with a 27" smoothbore barrel and it shoots rifled 1oz slugs all day, and fairly accurately. The only thing you cannot shoot through it is sabbot slugs but the nice thing about having a gun like yours is that you can go from slugs to 00 buck shot to bird shot without changing barrels. Good luck and happy shooting

Can slugs be fired through a Remington 870 wingmaster pump shotgun?

Not recommended for full choke

What can you shoot through a Remington 870 tb wingmaster shotgun can you shoot steel or slugs or just lead?

with the wingmaster barrel you can only shoot lead, but if you change the barrel to a slugster you can shoot slugs and buckshot, they also have a barrel for steel shot to.

What ammo is best for the 870 scope barrel combo?

Assuming you mean the Remington 870 shotgun, with a scope- is your barrel rifled? If so, sabot slugs are generally the most accurate. If smoothbore, then rifled slugs will be most accurate.

What kind of shot gun does the hobo with a shot gun use?

He used a Remington 870 Police Magnum.

What shotgun shoots a 3.5 shell?

Remington 870 Express Super Magnum.

Will a 870 Remington shot gun barrel fit on a Charles daily shot gun?

no but it will fit a mossburg 500

What is the value of a Remington 870 trap shot gun?

50-500 USD or so

Which choke tube for a Remington 870 for turkeys?

Use the Hevi-Shot choke tube for geese for turkeys. Made by Hevi-Shot for Rem. or a PatternMaster. i use an undertaker extra full. super tight patern out 30-40+ yards and fairly cheap. i have also used a Remington extra full which shot well.

What is the value of a Remington 870 12 gage shot gun serial number 579240v?

50-250 or so

Will rem chokes fit in Charles daly shot guns?

yes i have a Remington 870 choke in my Charles daly