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no you cant,it is illegal.

That depends on where you are and what the circumstances are. For instance, in the U.S. almost anyone that isn't a felon can go to a shooting range and shoot.

That said though, you can't just shoot a gun anywhere you want to, even if you have a permit. A permit only allows you to have the gun on your person (and actually, in a few states, you aren't required to have a permit). But you can only fire the gun under certain circumstances.

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Q: Can you shoot a gun without having your license?
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Gun laws are dependent on your State. In Texas there is no requirement to register or license guns. A person who carries a gun on their person must have a Concealed Handgun License (CHL), but not the gun itself. It's legal to have a gun in your car without having a CHL.

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You don't have to go to jsil just for having a gun. You can if you shoot someone without any good initiative such as if it's a life or death crisis. You can if you have a gun without a liscense. There are many reasons you can go to jail involving a gun, but not for just having a gun.

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Sure. As long as the person doing the shooting of the gun has a license. The person doing the filming doesn't need a license as long as they don't shoot the gun at all.

Is it illegal to shoot a gun in your back guarden?

In this state it is illegal to shoot a gun inside the limits of any incorporated municipility. It is illegal to shoot a gun across any road. It is illegal to shoot toward any house. It is illegal to shoot toward any person. It is illegal to shoot without a license other than at a range or for a child under the direct supervision of an adult with a license. It is extremely easy to get a hunting license. The state makes a whole lot of money from people walking around with a gun who do not have a valid hunting license. It also makes a whole lot of money from the resale of their guns. You can get good deals at the public auctions. Whether or not it is legal to shoot from your back yard depends on where your back yard is and what is behind it.

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No, it is not legal to purchase gun magazines without a license in California.

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Yes, and, in fact, if your aim is good enough you can shoot anything that is in range.

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No. You can go to a shooting range and shoot a gun without a concealed permit, however, you may be required to have some other type of paperwork. For instance, if you are a resident of Illinois, you must have a Firearms Owner ID card to purchase a gun, and probably have to have it to shoot one at a range.