I have searched all over the internet and most people are saying that you can't fail an elective because it is a class that you chose.
NO you do not have to pass the 7th grade task. but you need to pass all of your classes in order to move on. at the end of the year your grades will be averaged and if you fail TWO you will go to summer school and retake the task and if you fail it that time you will repeat the 7th grade.
Probably not
no you can't,trust me i been though the same thing im in 7th grade if you pass all your subjects but fail one you go to summer school wich i did but if you fail two subjects you get left back if you pass your state exams or finals it counts as your grade for the third trimester im sorry but no if you fail all subjects but pass exams the chances are getting left back or going to summer school.
No because i gotten an F in English and i got promoted to the 8th grade..... just next year make sure you try harder to pass :)
yes you have to pass the STAAR
it depends on what school your in but in my school if you fail 1 grade for the whole school year your fine. fail 2 classes for the school year summer school 3 then you repeat so you should be fine and also D's are passing in my school
yes because you won't pass the 7th grade only if you get E's in every class.
It depends on which school you go to but two F's to fail is the normal rate! :)
How do you fail health...? When I was in 7th grade I passes algebra 1.....7th........ Why don't you google it.