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Yes ,but I don't know how.

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Q: Can you make people fall asleep by hypnotizing them?
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How do you make people fall asleep?


How do you make a rabbit fall asleep?

some people think if u fold the ears then twist them it'll make them fall asleep. but I've never tried it

Do hypnotizing swirls work?

Like everyone wants to believe that they can hypnotize people by making them fall asleep or something, it's not true actually. When you make someone look at hypnotizing swirls for a few minutes, they're mind and eyes will remember the 3-D swirls and when they look somewhere else, they'll just see the hypnotizing swirls because their eyes and mind remembered it. It's actually fun. I've experienced lots of times. :) But, no. They don't make a person hypnotized, just dizzy. XD

What is a song that make you fall asleep?

Anything Coldplay.

Does honey make you fall asleep?

No, No, Most defenitly not.

How do you make sleeping potions?

you cant really make sleeping potions. you can make someone (or yourself) fall asleep by watching a really boring boring movie late at night and you will fall asleep :)

How do you make someone fall asleep instantly?


Why does Professor Layton Luke and Flora fall asleep in the carriage near the bridge on Diabolical Box?

luke layton and flora fall asleep in the carrige because when the carriges swap the molentery express wants their passangers asleep so they use flowers that make you fall asleep

Girls how can you get a girl to let you smell her feet?

make her fall asleep.

How do you make you arm fall asleep fast?

hit them in the chin or the back of the head or sleeping pills

How do you make people fall asleep using the character Jigglypuff on Super Smash Bros Melee vs mode?

use the move sleep

How do you get a whisker off of cerebus on Poptropica?

first make him fall asleep then click on him