Yes. Not all women experience breast/nipple soreness or tenderness during pregnancy. Some women are 6 or 7 months pregnant before they find out that they are pregnant. So yes, it can happen.
Many but not all women do have soreness or tenderness of the breast during pregnancy.
There are a few different things that breast tenderness can be a sign on. Every month females can experience breast tenderness during their period. However, breast tenderness can also be a sign of pregnancy.
About 5% of women complain of breast tenderness on Mirena.
! Yes, you can get breast tenderness in the first couple of weeks, as long as nausea!! Congrats!!
It is unlikely that the lack of soreness is due to the implants, but even if that were the case, it is not cause for alarm. In fact, consider it a blessing. It could be that extra breast tissue and glandular tissue is not yet forming. Or it could be that you won't experience any soreness at all. Some women are lucky that way!
Breast tenderness is often the earliest sign of pregnancy and can start shortly after implantation.
No, they can be tender when you're starting your period or when there is illness as well. Breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant when it occurs either.
It could last your entire pregnancy, every person is different. I suggest getting the book "What to expect when expecting" they are really cheap online at places like
Some women may have breast tenderness with ovulation after stopping NuvaRing. It's just a matter of your body going back to its regular cycle. Breast tenderness can also be a sign of pregnancy, so take a pregnancy test if you miss your period.
Yes. Breast tenderness is a common feeling in pregnancy.
Tenderness is not a requirement. Especially after the first pregnancy. The glands of the breast will develop ... but at their own rate.
Yes It Is.But it can happen for other reasons.