It is not advised for you to have a nose piercing while working at Carter's.
It is called a nose piercing.
Yes, you can use ear piercing cleaner on a nose piercing.
no prodigy doesn't have a nose piercing
your nose piercing should effect you in no way when you eat.
Yes you can tan with a nose piercing, but I wouldn't recommend it. It dry your piercing out and cause "crusties".
No. Especially not while its new. Removing and reinserting the jewelry will not only hurt, but irritate the piercing. After its healed, just do whatever you'd like!
there are 3 different types of nose piercings. a nostril piercing, septum piercing (through the septum of your nose), and bridge piercing (placed on the upper bridge of your nose)
no she doesn't have a nose piercing but i do know that she has snakebites (hoopes) and a monroe piercing on her left upper lip.
yes its totally save to take a shower with your nose piercing in
Nose piercing
No it's a nose piercing nothing more nothing less.
If the piercing is recent, very carefully, once it is healed, you can clean it as usual.