By having unprotected sex.
Yes. No birth control is 100% safe. The pill used with a condom is the best one.
Yes you can become pregnant a week after you have stopped taking birth control pills.
Only if you are having sex, Provigil is a stimulant, it does not in any way prevent pregnancy.
If you're not taking birth control pills for the last two weeks, you could get pregnant.
Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.
No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.
Yes. You can get pregnant WHILE you are on birth control.
Ok you need to take a test. Do you have cramps like your cycle is going to come and you know its not and having moodswings
your periode will probably shift to come earlier and you will be able to get pregnant around two days after stop taking it.
No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.
The birth control pill works by taking it daily as directed. If you take it this way, it doesn't matter if you have sex before, during, or after swallowing the pill.