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Yes. I'm 16 and have had it since I was 12 and I'm not or never have been pregnant. It's something to do with hormones or something but I wish I could get rid of it.

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Q: Can you get a dark line down your stomach and not pregnant?
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Do all women get a dark line down there stomach when pregnant?

i was born with a dark line down my stomach but when i got pregnant with my daughter it went up and around the incision of surgery i had. but with my son it didnt

What does the dark line on your stomach mean from your belly button down?

In yamatji way it means when your pregnant Itz a boy and a line goin further up its a girl

Do pregnant woman only get the dark line when there pregnant?

Do you mean the dark line running from your belly button to your groin? This can occur during pregnancy but some women also have this line when they are not pregnant.

What are the lines you see on your stomach when your pregnant?

The brown line that some pregnant women get down the middle of the lower abdomen is called the linea nigra.

Does a pregnant lovebird have a line under her stomach?

no! dont be stupid!

When does the brown line start showing on your stomach if you are pregnant?

I was told by my doctor around 16 weeks. However, he aslo has the theory that if it is a girl there will be no line does anyone agree No, I am having a baby girl and I am getting the brown line down my stomach. It is starting below the belly button.

Why do you have a dark line going down my belly?

Could be prego..... Some women have it when puberty starts but it doesn't mean u are pregnant

What does a pregnant shrimp look like and how can you identify one?

A pregnant shrimp will have a noticeably larger and rounder abdomen compared to non-pregnant shrimp. You can identify a pregnant shrimp by looking for a dark line running down the center of its back, which is the developing eggs.

How do you remove linea nigra faster?

Linea Nigra is a dark line that many pregnant women get down their bellies. There is no way to remove it, but it will go away after the baby is born.

In what stage of pregnancy will a brown line appear on your stomach?

I dont know, but I'm freaking out. I'm only in highschool, and I have a brown line down my stomach from my belly button to my pubic hair, and I dont think im pregnant. I'm wondering if that's normal or not.. Some women never get a brown line, I didn't, and as you have found out some get it when not pregnant, like stretchmarks it is a hormonal thing more common in adolescence. Ask your Mom, you may find she had one too.

Light positive line and a dark negative line does this mean am pregnant?

My doctor told me "if there is a positive line at all, you're pregnant." I had the same thing happen. My mom and I were tearing through the box and instructions. I ended up getting the digital one and it said pregnant.

What is the dark line down your stomach during pregnancy?

Linea nigra (dark line running up your tummy)This is a dark, vertical line, up to a centimetre wide that appears down the middle of your stomach, often crossing the navel. It tends to appear around the second trimester. It is caused by pigmentation in the skin where your abdominal muscles stretch and slightly separate, to accommodate your baby as it grows.This line of pigmentation will fade within a few weeks of delivery, although you may need to give it a gentle rub to remove any dry skin. You will notice that other areas with pigmentation - such as your nipples, moles and freckles - may darken too, but this will also fade with time.