You can still bleed while you're pregnant like you would when you get your period. Definitely take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Yes you can still have your period and be pregnant. I have about 3 friends who told mi they had there periods for 5 months straight while they were pregnant n they still had cramp's. So the answer to that is yes best thing to do is go see a doctor asap.
when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?
Either your asking will you still get cramps or are you pregnant the answer will still be yes.Because you will always get cramps except when your pregnant you'll get contractions which are kinda similar....................... and you probably had an abnormal period meaning you just didn't show and that means you will still cramp which mean you'll cramp regardless pregnant or period.
haha, most likely hun.
You're pregnant. Sucks to suck
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.
You could be. Take a pregnancy test
it depends cause evry1 different but i think you can still kate any time you bleed while pregnant you should call your doctor asap--and with cramp this is serious you should go straight to the E.R. asap--wish you good health
you posibly could be pregnant or about to get your period. it could also mean you are having a misscarrige.
I'm about 5 weeks pregnant and I have a subtle stomach cramp in the upper part of my belly.