Of course you can,it happens to me all the time. This is what I mean: if you have your period on February 27th, and your period usually lasts 5-7 days, it would continue on the the early week of March! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
yes you can just continue on to your next packet of your pills and have your period next month.
the 21 of the next month?
No it is not. You should see a doctor and have it checked out.
no it is every 28 days not months..look on the internet if you're still unsure
Sometimes a woman's period is irregular. They could have their period one month, skip the next, then get it again. This happens more when women are just getting their period (more in teenage years)
A month
An off and on period is when one month you have it then the next month (s) you don't that's all it means.
no.it's just about normal.some people have their period once a month and others skip a month or so and have it the next month.
You should get your next period , about a month from when you got your last period.
would you be pregnet if you havent had your period for 3 months now
next month
in about a month but you should wear pantyliner a couple days you are expecting to have your period