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Yes, that is what happened to me and I am now 35 weeks pregnant. The spotting is fertilisation taking place.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you had 2 days of spotting and 5 days late for period?
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Are you pregnant if you have brown spotting and your period is 12 days late?

You very well might be. The brown spotting is most likely to be implantation bleeding which is very common.

Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant when she sees her period 3 days late?

If your period arrived 3 days late then you are not pregnant. In very, very rare cases some women see some blood spotting throughout a pregnancy which they mistake for a period and do not know they are pregnant but if your period just arrived a few days later than normal then it would seem that you are not pregnant.

You think you might be a week pregnant but started spotting can you still be pregnant?

If you are looking "not to be pregnant" you are probably in luck. Spotting is an early indication of a late period, in your case.

Can you be pregnant if period is 7 days late with spotting at the beginning of period then menstraul flow comes normal?

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant. WEIRD, but possible still take a pregnancy test to be absolutely sure.

My hubby and I are ttc for 9 months my period is two days late I have bad cramps and I'm spotting could I be pregnant?

yeah, take a test.

10 days late period negative result spotting?

Me to exalcley...

I'm 9 days late for my period Could I be pregnant?

I would take a pregnancy test, as spotting is very common in early pregnancy- especially at the time when you would have gotten your period. I've been spotting for five days since I should have gotten my period and I tested positive three days ago.

Almost 2 weeks late for your period and spotting am i pregnant?

if you had sex then yeah it a 80% possible you can be pregnant -KiKi

Is it possible to not be pregnant even though I am 6 days late and have cramping as if I had my period and very mild spotting please help I don't want to pregnant?

its possible u are and possible your not because, your 6 days late but take a pregnancy that's the only way to find out ....

What does brownish pink spotting 5 days after a late light period mean?

It means that you might be pregnant. Take a test

1 day late and the next day have light spotting?

If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.

You are one month late for your period and you are currently experiencing moderate brownish spotting What does this mean?

you might be pregnant