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Of course not. I'm not sure how exactly you think fertilization would happen since you only have 1 egg each waiting in your fallopian tubes. 2 eggs makes no baby.

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Q: Can two lesbians have a baby without a male sperm?
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Can lesbians become pregnant without male sperm?

No. No person on Earth can become pregnant without sperm.

Can lesbians get pregnant from each other?

Without the introduction of a male to the situation and the transfer of sperm to where it can meet the egg somehow, a woman cannot get pregnant. So two lesbians on their own cannot each other pregnant, no.

How do you get pregnant if you don't have a male egg?

Assuming you are human you will never have access to male eggs since the human male only have sperm and it's the woman who have eggs. Without sperm - no baby. There are clinics where you can buy sperm and you can do a IVF treatment.

Can you have a baby if you are gay?

Yes, lesbians can have babies. All they need is male sperm, which they can get from a friend, or from a sperm bank. They can also adopt children. Gay men can adopt children, or can have a baby from a surrogate mother. Some gay men and women have children from a previous opposite-sex relationship.

How does lesbians have an child?

They don't, except by in vitro (putting the egg in a petri dish and fertilizing it with male sperm), or just sex with a male.

Is the female reproductive cell able to reproduce without a male reproductive cell?

No , it is not possible to produce a baby's cell ( zygote ) without a male reproductive cell ( sperm ) to fertilise it .But a female's reproductive cell ( egg ) can be produced without a sperm .It is possible to transfer a sperm into the ovum of a female through a surgery .

Do male rabbits have sperm?

Yes, male rabbits have sperm, how else would baby rabbits be in this beautiful world of ours.

Will baby form without sperm entering?

No, in order for a baby to form, a sperm cell must fertilize an egg cell. This process, called fertilization, typically occurs through sexual intercourse between a male and a female.

Why does the male determine the gender of a baby?

The gender of a baby is determined by the father's sperm at the moment of fertilization. Sperm cells carry either an X or a Y chromosome, and the combination of chromosomes from the sperm and egg determines the baby's gender. If a sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the baby will be female (XX); if a sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, the baby will be male (XY).

How can I improve my chances of conceiving a baby girl?

You can't, really, without scientific intervention. The male's sperm determines whether or not the chromosomes turn into male, XY, or female, XX.

Why do lesbians have babies by lesbians?

Like everyone else, they want to have children, either by adoption, or by artificial insemination in which male unknown to the mother is implanted in her to make her pregnant.Just to make it clear: lesbians cannot have babies by lesbians. They can, however, acquire a baby as mentioned above and have babies with other lesbians.

How does the temperature of male scrotal determine the sex of a baby?

The temperature of the male scrotum does not determine the sex of a baby. The sex of a baby is determined by the chromosomes present in the sperm, with an X chromosome resulting in a female baby and a Y chromosome resulting in a male baby. The temperature of the scrotum can affect sperm production and quality, but it does not influence the baby's sex.